🍝 budget-friendly pasta recipe

Hi Reader,

Want to know what I make for dinner when I'm short on groceries?

👉 Olive Oil Garlic Pasta

Because I always have spaghetti, olive oil, garlic, salt, and crushed red chili flakes in my pantry.

Diana said, "I am Italian and have been making this forever, just like this. It is my all time go to pasta dish. I was thrilled to see it here."

Love and Veggies,


P.S. If you try any of my recipes, please consider leaving a comment and star rating. This helps others in the online community discover and enjoy my recipes. Thank you for your support Reader! 💙

Veggies Save The Day - Vegan Mediterranean Diet Recipes

If you're interested in a vibrant, sustainable, and health-conscious lifestyle that combines a plant-based vegan diet with the principles a Mediterranean diet, you're in the right place. ALL types of eaters are welcome! 💙

Read more from Veggies Save The Day - Vegan Mediterranean Diet Recipes
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